The strategy of the Zaverevo town.
In 2018, the Urban Factory team developed a strategy for the socio-economic development of the city of Zverevo for the period until 2030. Within six months, a public commission was formed – the Team of Changes, which included active citizens, entrepreneurs, and employees of the city hall. The preparation of the document was carried out with the involvement of regional, federal and foreign experts. Comprehensively studied the request of citizens, the identity of the city, resource base. Throughout the process, contact was maintained with local authorities, experts of the Administration, the feedback was collected and taken into account. As a result, a document was formed that defined a number of long-term tasks in four key areas: Healthy City, Innovative Economy, Tourism and Education. With its help, the city authorities will be able to effectively plan the development of the city over the next decade, taking into account its demographic, resource, macroeconomic features, as well as the key advantages that Urban Factory specialists have identified.
Зверево - город возможностей

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During the study and analysis of the territory, both the strengths and weaknesses of the city were identified. In particular, despite the poorly developed infrastructure, meager urban public spaces, problems with the supply of electricity and heating, as well as support for the maintenance of the housing estate, the city nevertheless implemented most of the points of the strategy calculated for 2020. There are several entrepreneurs in the city who are not only producing a competitive product for the city, region and country, but these people are also putting their efforts and energy into the city. The owner of the bakery built a boxing club where children have been training for more than 10 years, systematic training has led to prize-winning places for children in competitions at the regional and country levels. The owner of a window-selling shop organized a billiard club in which local entrepreneurs, administration employees take part, and periodically, of course, just residents, periodically hold competitions, which contributes to the cohesion of communication between different people, as well as removes the barrier between officials, which is usually the case in Russia is a problem. Local entrepreneurs and companies also support the development of football. The youth team of the city of Zverevo also takes prizes in regional competitions. Along with this, the city has a problem of drug trafficking and some young people fall into this dependence. This is due to both the depressed state of the urban environment and the extremely low level of opportunities in the city. Also in the city there are several dance schools and also children perform successfully at regional competitions. Those children who are involved in sports or other activities, their parents motivate to study at school with these words – you do not expect to study well, you will not go to training. This is certainly not the best example of education, but the fact that how much sports and training are respected among those children who practice there is impressive.
In the strategy of socio-economic development of the city until 2020, there was a whole series of tasks regarding the healthcare system. All of them were completed. The regional administration fulfilled its obligations and purchased new equipment for the local hospital, part of the premises were partially repaired, the car fleet in the hospital was updated, but most importantly, new employees were invited and the number and quality of medical workers increased dramatically over the years, which led to the situation when the hospital serves 20,000 cities and 14,000 people living in hourly transport accessibility.
In 2019, a fire station and a quick response station were built and commissioned. The central park was partially reconstructed, several streets in the city were equipped and paved.
The four areas that formed the basis of the strategy of the city of Zverevo. For the full development of the territory over the next few years, these are determining directions.
Like any person, the city also has strengths and weaknesses. And it makes sense to develop the city based on one and the second. Strengths are what already works and what can make it possible to move forward even more. Weak opportunities require more effort, but these are new opportunities, which for residents always gives inspiration and enthusiasm.
A healthy city, based on strong healthcare, the city’s strategy includes a program for the development of a healthy population, a healthcare system, and an increase in the volume of services for neighboring villages. So Healthy City is a program for the development of sports, both infrastructure and direct clubs and training.
Innovative economy. Since 2017, the city of Zverevo has statuses of the territory of advanced social and economic development (TASED – special economic zone) and a single-industry town, which provides opportunities to attract new business activities and create new enterprises. The strategic goal of the innovative vector is to ensure the growth of the scientific and innovative potential of the city, to create a scientific and innovative environment in Zverevo. In today’s economy, investment is of utmost importance. Attracting investment in the city makes the development of the economy more dynamic, which contributes to the growth of socio-economic indicators of both the city and the country as a whole.
Hospitality industry. Zverevo has a high tourist potential.
Tourism is an area that is not represented in the city and is a weakness, which, following the logic described above, is the potential and opportunities from scratch to create a new sphere in the city. On its territory there can be a wide range of attractive tourist sites and complexes that are popular with tourists. Further development of these facilities and complexes is impossible without the creation of the necessary supporting infrastructure. The availability of various tourism resources allows developing the following types of tourism in Zverevo: industrial, discovery, and also rural tourism on the basis of peasant (farmer) farms. In particular, the city is located close to the M4 DON highway, which in the regional tourism strategy is designated as the Dry River, and is considered as an opportunity to develop seasonal recreational tourism, as well as the coverage of the M4-DON highway flow.
Education. The main tasks are to ensure the updating of educational content and technologies; to prepare highly professional teaching staff; to build facilities for educational activities; improve the quality of education at all levels. The city of Zverevo is potentially capable of providing affordable and high-quality continuing education in accordance with the individual needs, abilities and needs of each resident of Zverevo. This sector is represented in the city, but is also regarded as a regional potential, which is not today.
Зверево – город друзей, город родных

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