Professor Circe Monteiro in Russia.
In 2018 Urban Factory invite Professor Circe Monteiro into Russia. Head of Research Institute INCITI – Center for Research and Innovation to Improve the Urban Environment, Professor at the Federal University of Pernambuco
Thanks to the support of colleagues from the RANEPA, on October 3, the professor gave a lecture in Moscow: “A linear park along the Capibaribe River: management, architecture, society, and ecology.”

On October 5, in Rostov-on-Don, Circe Monteiro took part in the conference “Small rivers in large cities.” The conference brought together specialists, experts, officials and representatives of the public of Rostov and the region around the development of the project of the linear park of the Temernik River. The professor shared her own experience in developing a linear park project along the Capibaribe River, in the city of Recife in northeast Brazil. This is a new park along the Capibaribe River with a length of 15 kilometers, which is a system of public spaces connected into a single system of the city’s green frame. It is interesting to note that colleagues from Brazil went through the implementation of a long-term large-scale project by dividing them into small blocks. For example, Baoba Park has already been implemented, around a huge ancient tree and a number of other public spaces. On the one hand, these are individual elements of the city, on the other, they are all connected by a common concept and subsequently become part of a single linear park.

The next day, as part of the cultural program of the conference, a picnic and an excursion near the Temernik River were organized in the territory of the Nadezhda sanatorium, where Circe Monteiro planted two pine trees. Professor Circe Monteiro noted that she now has roots in Russia, which will give her additional reasons to come again and again.

In continuation of the cultural program, the professor spent a day in one of the oldest cities in Russia. A visit to the Azov Historical, Archaeological and Paleontological Museum-Reserve with a two-hour guided tour, which introduced Prof. Monteiro to the wide and varied history of the country and the region.
A working meeting was held with the ANO “Park Temernik” to exchange the experience of tools and management of the Temernik team and Professor Monteiro. The result was the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between the ANO “Park Temernik” and the Research Institute “INCITI” by the leaders Yuri Pogrebshchikov and Circe Monteiro.

October 9th
Central Library Sholokhov, the city of Zverevo.

Round table with the guest of honor from Brazil.
During this working trip, Professor Circe Monteiro from the Federal University of Pernambuco presented a large-scale project on improving the environment and urbanization of the city of Recife and shared her experience on the development of the city and the improvement of the urban territory. At the end of the meeting, Circe Monteiro thanked the Head of Administration for the warm welcome. Following the meeting, Mikhail Solonitsin expressed gratitude to the honored guest for a business visit and suggested continuing cooperation between cities, which would give impetus to new ideas and allow finding ways for further development of single-industry towns.
October 10th
DSTU, Rostov-on-Don.
Meeting of Professor Circe Monteiro with the Rector of the Don State Technical University Besarion Meskhi. They discussed areas of cooperation that are significant both for the academic world and for our cities and regions, namely: exchange of students, conducting bilateral studies, implementing joint training programs, creating international working groups on issues of territorial development, ecology, and the environment.
In addition, Besarion Meskhi proposed in October 2019 to hold a conference on the basis of the supporting university with the participation of the BRICS countries, the Black Sea region and the Caspian region. It is planned that the conference will be devoted to the restoration of water resources, ecology and sustainable development around water bodies. Professor Monteiro supported the idea of the rector of DSTU.
The parties also spoke about using the opportunity of cooperation in the framework of cooperation between the BRICS countries.
As a result of negotiations, it was decided to sign an agreement of intent.

The fruitful cooperation of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization of Urban Decisions “Factory of the City” and the Research Institute “INCITI” is bearing fruit:
-participation of delegates from Brazil and India at the Moscow Urban Forum in 2017;
– work of the director of the Urban Factory of the city of Veklenko Mikhail at a UN event in the city of Recife (Brazil);
-current visit of Professor Monteiro to Russia.
This cooperation was documented by the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between the Urban Factory and the Research Institute “INCITI”.
There were also meetings with the Southern Federal University. Introductory meeting with the team of the SFU Botanical Park and presentation to the project staff of the Capibaribe Park And a working meeting between Professor Monteiro and Professor Boyarinov, where the directions of cooperation between universities in the field of urban territorial development, architecture and the creation of a working group on work between the BRICS countries in sustainable development and education were outlined.
– A round table on the exchange of experience in the field of sustainable development of large cities and agglomeration on the site of the Russian State University of Economics (RINH) with the support of GAU RO “RIATS”. The meeting was attended by representatives of universities and the city of Rostov-on-Don.
-With the organizational support of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Rostov region, a meeting was held with representatives of the South Russian University and the Russian Research Institute of Land Reclamation Problems.
The time spent by Professor Circe Monteiro in Russia was extremely productive and focused on future joint large projects. The signed agreements and oral agreements have become a serious confirmation of this. The Urban Factory team express sincere gratitude to all who took part in organizing and accompanying the events with Professor Circe Monteiro.
Professor Circe Monteiro of the Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil. Head of the Research Institute INCITI, which is engaged in the implementation of innovations in the field of urban and territorial development. The professor works at the international level on a wide range of programs related to such diverse issues as urbanization of poor settlements, sustainable urban development, crime and the effectiveness of public policies and projects in the field of the quality of life of the population. Circe Monteiro works closely with Recife’s city authorities as part of a large-scale environmental and urbanization project designed to attract stakeholders to transform the city. She also co-ordinates Cambodia’s urban settlements of UN-Habitat in Brazil, focusing on urban waters and decisions on social and environmental sustainability.
Capibaribe Linear Park Project
City features on the water
The city of Recife, in northeast Brazil, has increased interest in its main river. The Capibaribe Park project is an innovation, as it is jointly developed by the local municipality and a transdisciplinary research team from the Federal University of Pernambuco. The strategic plan focuses on environmental, spatial and social issues and constitutes the foundation that will contribute to the future urban vision as a Green City by 2037 (the year of the 500th anniversary of Recife).
The project is in search of urban restructuring points, based on expanding the potential and qualities of existing public spaces and free areas, a priority for public and non-motorized vehicles and structuring vital and sustainable places. One of the main problems in this project is the involvement of citizens in the river and the transformation of the city.
Born in the city of Curitiba (Curitiba), in the family of an architect.
In addition to the Park project, Capibaribe is implementing a project in several regions of Brazil together with the Brazilian Ministry of Culture to create cultural centers in remote villages and small towns of the country.
Year before, Professor Circe Monteiro participated in the session “The Role of the River in the Modern Metropolis” at the Moscow Urban Forum, where she presented the project of a linear park along the Capibaribe River in the city of Recife. The participation of Professor Circe Monteiro was organized by the Urban Factory team.
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